5 Questions with junior Maddie Chester, softball shortstop
September 1, 2018
Junior Maddie Chester is the shortstop on the varsity softball team. Three games into the season, she has a .400 batting average with two singles, and she’s helped her team to a a quick 2-1 record. Next, Lafayette’s varsity softball team can be seen play Kirkwood, Tuesday, Sept. 4 at 4:30 on the Lafayette softball field.
Has softball always been your favorite sport?
Softball has not always been my favorite sport. Basketball was first. I played softball when I was younger, but I quit for a while to play other sports, but I came back because I missed it.

What’s your favorite memory from softball?
My favorite memories from softball always come from just goofing around with my teammates before, during and after all the games. Because you spend so much time playing the sport, all the girls on the team get super close, and it’s amazing to have 12 built in best friends that are passionate about the game just as much as myself.
What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you during a softball game?
The most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to me during a game is either when I swung and let go of my bat and it flung down the baseline, or when I stole third base and ripped my pants wide open. I didn’t have an extra pair of pants.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do as a softball player or athlete in general?
The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do as a softball player is realizing that sometimes the best thing for the team is for me to sit and someone else to play. There are certain situations where what the team needs is something I don’t have and somebody else does. With that, playing sports has definitely helped me mature through hard times as it’s taught me that even if I get taken out, I still have a substantial job and responsibility and that’s to wholeheartedly support not just the whole team, but especially the girl in my place.
If you could be just as talented as you are in softball in any other sport, what sport would it be and why?
If I could be as talented as I am in softball in any other sport, I would choose volleyball because it’s such a fun sport to play.
Karen Calcaterra • Sep 12, 2018 at 9:31 pm
I absolutely love that the Lancerfeed is doing stories on our students’ lives. Whether it is this article-5 questions with….:or the other ones I have seen, #peopleofLHS. Keep up the great work! 😊
Richard • Sep 12, 2018 at 9:03 pm
Sports doesn’t make the person..
Person makes the sport.. Maddie and all at Lafayette.. have fun!