Hula Rula: Tenny finding her confidence with YouTube channel


Kylee Tenny, sophomore, has a hula hooping love she enjoys sharing with the world via YouTube.

When Tenny was younger, she was afraid to speak in front of others and to help herself get over that fear she decided to first share her abilities at her eighth grade talent show.

“When I was younger, people would make fun of me for not being good at other sports; I couldn’t run, I couldn’t kick a soccer ball, but I could hula hoop and that was something unique to me. It gave me a sense of self-confidence,” Tenny said.

“YouTube has kind of been an outlet for me to express myself and to reach out to other hula hoopers.

— Kylee Tenny

The confidence she gained from the experience lead her to the internet. From there she started her YouTube channel. Her videos are focused around hula hooping, but took on many different topics. She has videos set to music, videos of how to exercise using a hula hoop and some for more philanthropic purposes. She performed for 10 hours straight to raise money for the Living Water organization that brings clean water to people.

To the subject of YouTube, Tenny has branched out to other hula hoopers and gained more confidence as a whole.

“YouTube has kind of been an outlet for me to express myself and to reach to other hula hoopers,” Tenny said.

She plans to continue with her channel and to perhaps collaborate with other hula hoopers in the future. She plans to continue hula hooping throughout high school and possibly through college. 

Click here to visit her YouTube channel: