Mystery Solved: Hours for Lancer’s Landing
Lancer’s Landing’s strange hours.
May 12, 2016
We all look forward to those two days when the school store, the Lancer’s Landing, is open all morning. Every other day of the week, Monday, Tuesday and Friday, the Landing stays open only before school and during lunch hours. Why is that?
While indeed, it has been a mystery for a while, it no longer is.
According to Sherry Uebelein, the person who is in charge of the school store, the reason why the store doesn’t stay open all morning every day is due to the lack of parent volunteers.
“The reason we are not open all morning Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday is that we do not have enough parent volunteers,” Uebelein said.
This practice has been going on for numerous years. Initially, Lancer’s Landing would stay open from 7:20 a.m.-12:26 p.m. on Wednesdays only. However, three years ago, in 2013, the Landing converted Friday’s hours to those of Wednesday’s.
“We would actually love to add Monday, Tuesday and Thursday to the full morning schedule, and that may happen one day,” Uebelein added. That being said, it is a possibility that the rest of the days in the week could have the same hours as Wednesday and Friday.
In addition to being open before and during school, the Lancer’s Landing is beginning to open after school on certain days.
“We did, in March of this year, add Tuesdays and Thursdays after school for the store to be open!! It has been very good and appreciated by the students.” Uebelein said.
Next year, the Store staffers are hoping to add Monday and Wednesday to the after school hours.