Unlike other high school students who keep themselves busy with one or two extracurricular activities such as basketball and choir, Shelby Foley decided to double the norm and join four groups during her junior year.
Participating in: lacrosse, theater, orchestra and Be The Change, Foley has learned to master the arts of organization and time management.
“It’s important to stay on top of things and prioritize,” Foley said.
Although Foley finds time to commit to all of these clubs, she is most devoted to orchestra and lacrosse because she has been participating in them the longest.
Foley participates in such different groups because of the experiences gained from each different club.
“Try new things. Don’t over do it though, but expose [yourself to] things you’ve never done before,” Foley said.
Foley stressed that within a club there is always a strong camaraderie between the students, a family-like bond.
“Get involved, you won’t regret it,” she said.