Hot Links: 5 websites for stellar movie reviews

Between heading to a theater and streaming online, our generation is always ready to watch a movie.  But how do you pick the right one? You don’t want to spend money and time on a flick that isn’t for you. Here are a few websites to help select the right movie for the right occasion.

The website Rotten Tomatoes includes reviews for movies just hitting theaters as well as older movies. Each movie has its personal page with information such as actors, directors, ratings, running times, genres, theater releases, synopsises and trailers. When it comes to critiquing a movie, Rotten Tomatoes offers a percentage of how many critics enjoyed the movie. However, if you do not generally agree with critics thoughts on movies, Rotten Tomatoes also offers a percentage of how many users enjoyed the movie. If you are still unsure about a movie, critics’ personal reviews are on the page for each movie as well. Rotten Tomatoes keeps a schedule on the website in order to show upcoming movies as well as top box office movies. TV show reviews are also available to anyone wanting to begin a new series.

Movie Review Query Engine (MRQE) is another website for searching for the perfect movie. With over 100,000 moves in their database, it is difficult to come by a movie that is not on MQRE. Along with keeping track of what movies are coming out and what is on DVD, MQRE has a tab for the most popular current movies people have been looking at. Each movie, along with information about the movie, is rated on the MQRE Metric, which can be rated out of 100, 100 being the best. Having both a MQRE Metric rating for critics and users, anyone can rate a movie by giving is a letter grade, which then figures into a number out of 100. On each movie’s personal page, there are links to critic’s professional reviews. This way, anyone can see several different opinions of a movie.

For those of you that tend to agree with critics’ thought out reviews, this website is the one for you. Roger Ebert only contains critics’ reviews rather than including users’ reviews. In addition to the information about each movie similar to the information provided on Rotten Tomatoes, Roger Ebert also includes the names of those who contributed to the screenplay. Each movie is carefully analyzed by a different critic and then portrays their thoughts to the public. Every movie also has a four star critic based rating. This website is in memorial to Roger Ebert, a well-known movie critic who recently passed away.

Plugged In mainly focuses on recent movies for people who just want to see what’s new. Different critics rate movies with a five star rating system. Each recent movie has an in depth review including information such as what the critic thinks to be the positive elements and negative elements as well as the sexual, violent, language, drug and alcohol content. On the home page, there is an entire list of movies currently in theaters for common movie-goers. The website Plugged In also contains reviews for TV shows, videos,music and games for those who are interested in more than just movies.

App: Kids-In-Mind

Rather than having to search over the Internet for a movie review website, the free app Kids-In-Mind allows you to have access to movie reviews directly from the homepage of your Smartphone. On the main page of this app, new movies are listed by how recent they are. Just by scrolling over the movie, you can see the title, date of release, running time and rating. Once you tap on the movie, there are pages for each movie with the factors that contributed to its rating (G, PG, PG-13 and R) along with a short summary. This way, there are no surprises when it comes to things you would rather not see in a movie. Although there is no official critic or user ratings on this app, it is handy to use and see what movies are current. On the pages for each movie, there are external links where you can find critics’ reviews.