While many girls dance at a young age, Nina Theobald has continued to dance for about 14 years. She has demonstrated her dedication by joining a competition team and teaching a class. lhsimage.com asks Theobald questions about her present love for dance, how it began and where it will take her in the future.
Q: What first inspired you to become a dancer?
A: I took classes like most little girls do, but I continued to dance because I love it. It makes me feel calmer and everything seems to make sense when I dance. I’ve also made a lot of good friends that helped inspire me to keep going.
Q: How long has dancing been a part of your life?
A: I’ve been dancing since I was three years old, and teaching since I was 11. I was an intern teacher at my studio for a year, then I became an assistant teacher. I dance four days a week which is about 9-10 hours.
Q: What do you find to be the most enjoyable part about teaching a class?
A: I teach a six-seven year old class which is difficult at times. It’s very hard to say “no” to them. But at the end of the year it’s so cool to see them perform and think, “I taught them how to do that.”
Q: Does this activity affect your schedule outside of dance?
A: Sometimes it interferes with school; I have to stay up late to study and finish work. But it’s definitely worth it. Competitions definitely make it hard to finish everything I’m assigned.
Q: Do you plan to continue dance classes in the future?
A: I would love to continue dancing through college, if the school I decide on offers classes. However, it won’t be as big as a priority after high school.