Every Friday, seniors gather around for a story math teacher Paul Krull likes to call Freshman Friday. And, ever since his 2004 Algebra 1 classes it has been a tradition for the lucky seniors who get to hear his troubles.
How did Freshman Friday start?
Well after teaching seniors for many many years, in 2004 I was chosen to have three Algebra 1 classes. And, because of their (the students’) actions over the course of that year, I recorded these stories and now tell them to my seniors for entertainment.
Who do you tell these stories to?
Mainly all of my Finite classes, but sometimes I give my Algebra 3 kids a treat and tell them occasionally.
What do your students think of your stories?
I think they enjoy them because they laugh about how these freshman really act.
How did you handle the freshmen in 2004?
Well first I forgot what they were really like. I had to crack down and show them they are in high school now. You have to remember they are not real people.
Would you ever teach another freshman class?