Special Olympics returns for second year

Lafayette will host the second annual Special Olympics on Apr. 27, from 9 am to 1 pm on the Track.

Jamie Smith, Special School District Coordinator, said, “Special Olympics is an organization that provides amazing opportunities that allow individuals with disabilities to compete, be honored, and simply enjoy various sports/activities as part of a team.”  

Due to the fact that team sports are challenging for individuals with disabilities, students get the opportunity to help their peers have a great time.

You can sign up to be a buddy from the link on twitter.

The Special School District (SSD) and it’s students are paired up with Lafayette students and are able to go around and compete in different events.

Special Olympics are held so that Students with Intellectual Disabilities are able to train and compete in sports alongside fellow athletes.   

Activities include multiple track activities, as well as the Victory Village where students can go in between competitions.

Smith said, “This time together [with Lafayette students] fosters new and stronger peer relationships and provides students the opportunity to experience and share success with a peer.”