Boys volleyball ready to defend their State title
Justin Houldsworth jumps above the net to block a hit from a Northwest player last season. Houldsworth was one of the nine seniors on the boys volleyball team who graduated last year.
Last season, the boys volleyball team finished with a 33-1 record and won their second State title in their program’s history.
Although the Lancers are the reigning State Champions, Head Coach Douglas Ell knows his team must work hard to have another successful season.
“Coming off of such a successful 2017 run, it would be easy to become complacent with our past success, but this group is hoping to prove themselves. They know that when their heart combines with their hard work, the sky’s the limit,” Ell said.
The boys have been putting in extra work throughout the summer, winter and fall to prepare to defend their State title.
“We have had a number of players who have committed a great deal of time in the off-season to making themselves stronger, both physically and mentally,” Ell said. “This preparation should help them as they know every team in the state is trying to knock them down.”
The team graduated a strong senior class of nine Lancers, but Ell is excited and optimistic about what the season will hold.
“I look forward to seeing who will step up and fill the voids that were created. As that happens success is sure to follow,” Ell said.
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