Principal Shaughnessy to retire after 13 years at LHS
Principal Shaughnessy announces raffle winners at the annual Academic Pep Assembly.
Principal John Shaughnessy has worked in public education for 30 years, previously teaching as a math teacher in the Ladue and Kirkwood school districts before coming to Lafayette to serve on the administration staff of Lafayette for 13 years. On Monday, May 3, Shaughnessy announced his retirement to the staff.
“I really started thinking about retirement around spring break time. The district requires us to submit a interest in retirement letter by April 1. When I submitted the letter, I realized I still had to inform the faculty because I hadn’t done that,” Shaughnessy said.
Being quite young, Shaughnessy is considering a second job.
“I don’t really know what I’m going to do after retirement,” Shaughnessy said. “Maybe that’s why it was such a difficult decision to make. I love working, making a difference, and I think I have the ability to lead people. Currently, I’m looking at opportunities with leadership positions. But right now, I have no specifics.”
As his term at Lafayette comes to an end, Shaughnessy feels bittersweet about leaving.
“When you spend 13 years of your life here, you become very attached to people and to your students and to the events going on in the building that I had an opportunity to be part of and witness with the time I’ve been here,” Shaughnessy said. “I will certainly take some time off, but I’ll still stay in touch with the people here and keep an eye on things. But in all respect, I want to honor the new principal and provide my support, but not be looming over their head.”
The process for hiring a new principal has already started for the next school year.
Once Shaughnessy’s letter of retirement is accepted by the Board of Education, the job will be posted on the district website. Both internal and external candidates are allowed to apply. An applicant screening process will take place at the central office to narrow down the choices, then a new head principal will be selected.
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